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TTDPatch-nightly-r2066 neue Schalter - Druckversion

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TTDPatch-nightly-r2066 neue Schalter - spielerA - 26.10.2008 17:48

Hi Leute,
heute bzw. gestern ist ein neues nigthtly heraus gekommen.
Es hat neue Schalter, dahinter stehen nur die englischen bezeichnungen, kann da mal einer Licht ins dunkele bringen, sagen was für ein schalter was macht.

Zitat:miscmods2.notalwaysthreestatetrans off // Use three-state graphics for the transparency gui only if the transparent or invisible states are selected

// `moreindustries' (-Xj) increases the maximum number of industries on the map
moreindustries off

// `moretransopts' (-ZH) provides more options for transparent buildings mode, and sets the initial values for these options.
moretransopts.transtrees on // Make trees transparent
moretransopts.transhouses on // Make houses transparent
moretransopts.transindustries on // Make industries transparent
moretransopts.transstations on // Make stations transparent
moretransopts.transraildepots on // Make rail depots transparent
moretransopts.transroaddepots on // Make road and tram depots transparent
moretransopts.transshipdepots on // Make ship depots transparent
moretransopts.transbridges on // Make bridges transparent
moretransopts.transobjects on // Make objects (lighthouses, transmitters, newobjects) transparent
moretransopts.transcompany on // Make company property (HQ, statues, &c.) transparent
moretransopts.hideoneway on // Hide one-way indicators when road toolbar is closed
moretransopts.invistrees on // Make trees invisible when transparent
moretransopts.invishouses on // Make houses invisible when transparent
moretransopts.invisindustries on // Make industries invisible when transparent
moretransopts.invisstations on // Make stations invisible when transparent
moretransopts.invisraildepots on // Make rail depots invisible when transparent
moretransopts.invisroaddepots on // Make road depots invisible when transparent
moretransopts.invisshipdepots on // Make ship depots invisible when transparent
moretransopts.invisbridges on // Make bridges invisible when transparent
moretransopts.invisobjects on // Make objects invisible when transparent
moretransopts.inviscompany on // Make company property invisible when transparent
moretransopts.locktrees on // Lock (do not toggle with [t]) settings for trees
moretransopts.lockhouses on // Lock settings for houses
moretransopts.lockindustries off // Lock settings for industries
moretransopts.lockstations off // Lock settings for stations
moretransopts.lockraildepots off // Lock settings for rail depots
moretransopts.lockroaddepots on // Lock settings for road depots
moretransopts.lockshipdepots off // Lock settings for ship depots
moretransopts.lockbridges on // Lock settings for bridges
moretransopts.lockobjects off // Lock settings for objects
moretransopts.lockcompany off // Lock settings for company property
moretransopts.lockoneway on // Lock setting for one-way indicators

// `rvovertakeparams' (-ZK) road vehicle overtaking behaviour parameters. Hexadecimal bit field: 0=enable overtaking of non-stationary vehicles with same max speed, 1,2,3=disable overtaking (collision) checks on: current tile, next tile, and tile after next respectively, (tile after next always ignored for stationary overtakees), 4=set maximum overtaking counter value to bits 8-15 (TTD default=0x23), 5=set stationary overtakee overtaking count initial value to bits 16-23 (TTD default=0x11), 6=overtake even if on junction tile if overtakee is stationary. Experimental switch, some values may produce adverse/unusual results.
rvovertakeparams off

mfg SpielerA Lächeln

RE: TTDPatch-nightly-r2066 neue Schalter - killermoehre - 27.10.2008 11:33

notalwaysthreestatetrans regelt das Aussehen der Schalter in der Transparen-GUI (siehe unten).
moreindustries setzt die maximale Azahl an Industrien auf der Karte.
moretransopts sind, wie der Name schon sagt, für die Transparenz von Dingen zuständig. Gibt es eine schöne GUI für.
rvovertakeparams ist ein byte-kodierter Wert, der das Überhohlen von Straßenfahrzeugen regelt.